"If you’ve ever thought ‘I wish I had what they’ve got’, you’ve failed to grasp what you already do have."
FYI: she played Pachelbel's canon in D Major ;p
*i repudiate society's interpretation of what's 'normal' *i refuse to adhere to its perception of academic aptitude and mental ability *i loathe their ways of molding individuals as stereotypes *i despise how they brainwash us with their deceit, lies, and injustice *tHe sOciety is mY diSease ---ren
"If you’ve ever thought ‘I wish I had what they’ve got’, you’ve failed to grasp what you already do have."
FYI: she played Pachelbel's canon in D Major ;p
Posted by renren at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: commercial, inspirational, pantene, slice of life
MY results..;p
1-st question. Priorities in your life:
1: PRIDE really?
2: FAMILY hmm...
3: LOVE ;p
4: MONEY this hsould be #1..haha!
5: CAREER awts, #1 pala tOh ;p
2-nd question:
playful implies your own personality. hmm...
intimidating implies personality of your partner. di naman...
coward implies the personality of your enemies LOL...
aromatic- It is how you interpret sex. LMFAO!!!
breathtaking implies your own life. di rin...hehe
3-rd question:
m - Someone you will never forget. uh-huh
s - Someone you consider your true friend. ??/
mk - Someone that you really love. gOtcHa!
r - Your twin soul. ehehe...
z - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life. oF cOursE ;p
This is what the Dalai Lama has said about the Millennium - just take a few seconds to look it up, read it and think.
Do not put away this message, the mantra will come out from your hands in the next 96 hours. You will have a very pleasant surprise.
This is true, even if you are not superstitious. Please do this. It is fascinating.
Link to this test is http://www.wordofmouthexperiment.com/dedpyhto/tests/tibetian/index.htm and all you need to do is send it to your friends. Send it by email or post it to forum or your blog- it doesn't matter, it will work anyway.
0-4 persons: Your life will improve slightly5-9 persons: Your life will improve to your liking9-14 persons: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next three weeks15 or more persons: Your life will improve drastically and all that you wish will come true.
Posted by renren at 4:44 AM 0 comments
To all anime enthusiasts, please visit this site for more information in joining an anime and manga club/organization/society based in Cebu City.
Thanks! ;p
Posted by renren at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: anime, cebu, manga, organization, society
Posted by renren at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: pErsOnaL, shiniGami, teLevision shOws, vOodOo
iM sO oUt Of tHe viRtUaL wOrLd... tHAnkfuLLy, i'M sTartinG tO rOuse frOm mY sTatE oF quiEscEnCe . mY bLog nEeDs a Lot Of eDitinG anD uPdatinG sO i gUess i'LL haVe tO puT tHe siGn "UndEr cOnsTruCtiOn"... riGht? naH...;p
i really did want to focus on writing my blogs, however, i was addicted to playing Rising Force online and with some personal matters that needs my attention. These reasons made it impossible to allocate some time to writing. sigh. Maybe it is possible but i also suck at time management. sigh...again. Well, i won't dwell on the what should's and what could have's. The important thing is the present and that i'm taking a step to actually start things again ;)
Posted by renren at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: pErsOnaL